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Strategic Partnership : Duckie Land x Webcoin Capital

🤝 Duckie Land is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Webcoin Capital!

🏢 Webcoin Capital focuses on long-term funding and assistance for innovative blockchain startups. They are crypto professionals who aim to raise awareness about high-potential projects while also keeping the developing crypto space up to date on the newest developments. They have secured investment in Duckie Land and support us with their experiences, networks, marketing strategies, and community supports!

💬 “I would have said no comments, but seeing these fascinating ducks I couldn’t resist myself commenting on them. All I would say is, it’s Ducks ERA! Metaverse is something which is always full of bombshell & here Duckie Land exploded. Being a Crypto gush in the metaverse, it’s never too easy to select an electrifying project, but Nobu’s Vision on play to earn & their future thoughts on the project made me part of the Duckie land. I am thrilled to be part of it & we are looking forward to this” — said Anshit Raj (CEO & Founder of Webcoin Capital)

🎯 This partnership will bring Duckie Land closer to the project goal!

What is Webcoin Capital?

Webcoin Capital focuses on long-term funding and assistance for innovative blockchain startups. They are crypto professionals who aim to raise awareness about high-potential projects while also keeping the developing crypto space up to date on the newest developments.

Webcoin Capital not only helps the project in fundings but also support project in their marketing endeavors & Nurturing Project Ecosystem

Learn more about Webcoin Capital:

Website | Twitter | Telegram Announcement | Telegram Group

What is Duckie Land?

Duckie Land is a multiplatform multiplayer online game that runs on the blockchain, and each Duckie is a non-fungible token or NFT. Millions of people can participate in the NFT world and earn reward tokens through skillful gameplay and contribution to the ecosystem.

Duckie Land gives gamers ownership of in-game assets and allows them to increase their value by actively playing the game. By participating in the in-game economy, players will receive rewards and create more value for other players and the ecosystem. The rewards for these digital assets are cryptocurrencies and in-game resources that are tokenized on the blockchain, which could become a new revenue stream for many people, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Learn more about Duckie Land :

Website Twitter | Instagram | Youtube | Telegram Channel | Telegram Global | White Paper

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